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Owl Trek- The Next Clutch, by Saavik!

Bonnie and Clyde: Owl Trek - The Next Clutch

Episode #1
 On the new U.S.S. Horkerprize-D, Captain Bonnie and first officer Clyde look in approval over the glossy and sleek state of the art  bridge. All of thier owlets play in the night care center in a new section, made for the crew's families. "Well, number one," Says Bonnie, addressing her first officer Clyde, "what say you to launching this fine beast?" "Aye aye, captain." Clyde turns to the helm officer. "Take her out, Lt. Beakus." Beakus gently guides the helm to point outward toward the entrance to the spacedock. "Awaiting coordinates, captain." Bonnie points with one wingtip. "Organium lV, Leutenant, we're to host a diplomatic conference. All the worlds of the Federation will be watching." She smiled. "Engage." The ship leaps into space, goes into warp, and vanishes from view of Earth.

Episode #2
Tonight on Owl Trek - the Next Clutch. As the new ship leaps into warp, everyone unconciously braces, but the movement is so smooth it's barely felt. Captain Bonnie gets off her perch and turns to commander Clyde. "Well, number one, what say we take a tour of our new ship?" Clyde turns to the yeoman standing beside her perch. "What's your name, ensign?" "Rateater, sir." Well ensign Rateater, lead the way." Rateater turns and leads them to the deeterlift. They all fit in it easily. Rateater says "Engineering" and the lift complies. Half a minute later it opens, and states - "Here we are, happy to serve you!" then a giggle is heard... Bonnie turns to the yoeman. "I don't remember it doing this when I came on board." Rateater looks perplexed. "This is the first time, Ma'am." 

Episode #3
 Tonight on Owl Trek TNC: Oddities. Engineer Tinkerowl is at the main control panel. He comes over to Bonnie and group when he sees them. "Greetings commander." Says Bonnie. Tinkerowl sketches a slight bow and salutes. Welcome to engineering captain, commander." He starts with the tour, explaining the new and different features that have been added to the new ship. It's impressive, Tinkerowl. what's her top speed?" Tinkerowl looks slightly smug. "Warp 13, captain, though I can squeeze a bit more out of the engines in a pinch." Clyde asks "Does the computer normally thatnk you after completing a task?" Tinkerowls face registers dismay. "No, it doesn't." He goes back over to the control panel. "Computer, attend. " A squeaky, servile voice answers. "Yes, oh wise one?" It snivels.
More tomorrow ;)

Episode #4

Tonight on Owl Trek the Next Clutch - Whineatron. Tinkerowls turns to his new captain and commander with a sigh. "I'll carry out a level one diagnostic at once, Ma'am." "Any idea what could have caused it?" Bonnie asks. "A virus, though I don't know how it could have happened, we just installed the new upgrades, or maybe the owls who programmed it have a sick sense of humor." "Well, we'll postpone the tour here then, until you get rid of it." Then the computer speaks up. "I heard that! I work my curcuits to the hork and what do I get? Unappreciated!..." the diatribe continues until Tinkerowl switches off the speakers. "I'll get right to it captain." Bonney shakes her head and follows ensign Rateater to the lift. How would you like to see the rec deck, captain?" "Sounds good to me, ensign." They enter the deeterlift and hear a strange giggle once again.
Tune in next time ;)

Episode #5

On Owl Trek the Next Clutch: Walking on eggs.
 As the deeterlift glides towards the rec deck, captain Bonnie looks askance at commander Clyde, and says - "Of course you work hard for us computer, you're the heart of this ship, after all." There is a pregnant pause, then "Do you really mean that?" "Yes, we couldn't do without you. I was just feeling overwhelmed is all, you know, this is my first big command." Clyde rolls his eyes as much as a barn owl can, but keeps his beak shut. Ensign Rateater just looks uncomfortable. "Well, says the computer, I guess that's all right, but I'll be watching you." Bonnie looks at ensign Rateater."After the rec deck, I want to inspect the security section."I want to make sure we're prepared for any emergency, it's better to be prepared for any contingency." She winks at him, and his feathers stop puffing. She knows that owls puff when you spook them and the puter might pick up on it.
More soon :)

Episode #6

On Owl Trek the Next Clutch - Petulant 'puter. The Owls reach the rec deck. As the lift stops, it snivels that it was very diligently done with it's task, says "You're welcome" before Bonnie can speak, and then says "OK, get out!" "Yeek! thinks Bonnie - how will I manage the conference with this??" "OK, OK," says Clyde. They do a short tour of the rec deck, including the holodeck attachment. As they approach the sliding door the computer's voice sounds. "Captain, please, please will you go in? I want to show you how great I am at simulating fantastic landscapes and adventures!" Bonnie sighs. How to get out of this one? "Computer, I'm sure you do a great job, but my time is limited." "Oh come on, captain, it will only take a minute." It whines. The door opens and beyond is a spring meadow, stars shining and the sound of mice and rabbits as they cavort through the grass. The three owl's talons twitch.
More soon folks ;)

Episode # 7 on Owl trek: The Next Clutch: Holowldeck horkery.  Suddenly shoved from behind, Bonnie and Clyde are inside the simulation room. Before they can react, the door slides shut behind them. They hear the computer giggle. then another voice sounds. "Well, captain, how do you like your new environment?" The new voice is Ensign Rateater's. "Ensign! open that door at once!" "I'm afraid I can't do that, captain." As Bonnie's feathers puff up with indignation a large hawk appears. "Captain! cries Clyde, look out!" Bonnie turns just in time as it swoops at her and dodges. One talon rakes her shoulder and she hisses in pain. Clyde, claws out and beak snapping attacks it. Bonnie turns, wanting to act too but the hawk and Clyde are a blur as they slash and bite. She knows that if she tries to interfere she could make it worse.
More soon

Owl Trek the Next Clutch #8 

As Bonnie watches helplessly she realizes that the safety has been taken off for this "simulation". She reaches for her phaserhorker and realizes that she isn't carrying one. "Hork, she thinks, Ensign Rateater took it off my belt while I wasn't looking!" She looks around wildly, realizing there could be something else coming at her. Then, she sees a river flowing at the bottom of the meadow she's standing in. "More shenanigans there, no doubt." An awful screeching snaps her attention back to the fight. The hawk has hold of one of Clyde's talons and is half carrying, half biting into one of Clyde's wings. "If I don't do something he'll die, oh hork, I gotta attack!"
She thrusts herself into the air, coming up behind the hawk's blind spot, and gets her beak into the back of his neck. caught off guard, the hawk drops Clyde and he spirals out of control toward the ground far below. 

Episode #9 On Owl Trek the Next Clutch tonight - Terror in Paradise.
Bonnie lets go of the attacking hawk's neck, desperate to break Clyde's fall so
mehow. It proves to be a mistake -  the hawk flits around in mid air, blocking her descent with talons out, grabbing her chest and trying for her exposed throat. Still, she also has her talons ready and they clash as she sinks her claws into his exposed stomach. They roll through the air, wings flapping ineffectively, plummeting towards the water in the river.
Behind them, Clyde falls into a tree, partially breaking his fall. He lands in the grass finally, stunned. When he comes to his senses, it's quiet. He examines himself while his brains come back online. A deep gash where his shoulder joins his wing alarms him, still bleeding he looks around fearfully. " Where is Bonnie?", he wonders. More soon!

Episode #10 On Owl Trek the Next Clutch - Prisoner. Clyde turns as a large fox comes through the grass. "No!" cries Clyde as the fox comes to grab him. "I'm taking you home with me," snarls the fox. "I need to have dinner tonight." Clyde, usually very verbal is quiet, the shock of everything happening leaving him at a loss. "Please, I have a mate and owlets!" He squawks finally. "My family is hungry. Sorry but that's the way it is." The fox then grabs him by the hurt wing. Clyde squawks in pain. Then he starts to carry the hapless owl to an unknown place. The journey is a nightmare. It's not long though before the mouth of a den comes in sight. Two very cute kit's faces pop out, crying "Papa, papa!, What did you bring for supper?" The fox drags him inside the den and deposits him towards the back, where he has little chance of escape.
Stay tuned.

Episode #11 Tonight on Owl Trek the Next Clutch - Uncertainty. On the bridge, Commander Spricket, the science officer has been watching the time and wondering when the captain & first officer will be back. "Maybe they're visiting thier owlets." The computer is covering Ensign Rateater's tailfeathers meanwhile, and no one is very suspicious yet. A rec room owl saunters up to Rateater as he watches the screen that shows the events inside. A light tap on the shoulder and Rateater hisses in surprise, whipping around with his beak snapping in warning. "Whoa, easy now ensign. Are the captain and first officer having fun yet?" "Oh, yes they are, they're so happy they want to stay awhile," He lies. The rec owl beams. "Great - those new improvements are impressive."
More tomorrow!

Episode #12 Tonight on Owl Trek the Next Clutch -  Stalling. Ensign Rateater tries to talk to the rec owl while hiding the screen that shows the debacle. Inside Bonnie and the hawk land hard in the water of the river, which breaks them apart. Both spiral towards an unseen waterfall, the hawk going over first. Bonnie doesn't understand why the hawk vanishes in her dazed condition. An eddy catches her then, and miraculously she washes up by a branch and grabs it with her talons. She hangs on blindly until her head clears, and drags herself up on it and inspects herself for damage. Nothing too bad, she realizes, just some small punctures and bruised. She cranes her neck to look around, wondering how far downstream she's come.
More tomorrow

Episode #13 On Owl Trek the Next Clutch - Fox trot. Clyde's situation seems grim. The fox and kits wait for the male fox to show up and Clyde gives himself up to despair. Even if he can get past them, he can't fly. Meanwhile Bonnie, after recovering somewhat, launches herself into the air, hoping there are no more surprises in store. She sees the waterfall then, and spots the hawk, washed up on some boulders, motionless. She turns toward the tree and looks anxiously for a sign of Clyde, calling for him to answer. After circling for a time, she dives towards the ground. Landing, she sees something she doesn't like - animal footprints and signs of a struggle. "Oh no, my Clyde, what has happened to you?" She looks around and finds foot prints leading away, with something being dragged. He heart skips a beat and she almost passes out.
More soon

Episode #14 Tonight on Owl Trek the Next Clutch - Discovery. The rec owl saunters off from the door where ensign Rateater is trying his best to conceal the screen without being obvious about it, answering a call from the bridge. A moment later he comes back, making a point of trying to see the screen. Rateater moves to block him but then two security owls come through the entrance to the rec deck. Rateater suddenly flees, ducking past them before they can grab him. The two owls give chase, and the rec owl quickly tries to end the program. A blue screen comes up, signaling a fault and the computer appears to crash. Then - "Error," it says. No can do, you old squab." Then it giggles derisively. The owl hisses and his feathers rise in anger. "Old squab??, I'll show you!"
More tomorrow

Episode # 15 of Owl Trek the Next Clutch: Confusion. The old rec owl, named Phasork, tries to calm himself while he figures out what could outwit the smart aleck computer. He tries wheedling, as it is obviously has a snooty streak. "Oh please? He puts a begging whine into his tone. "I'm so lost and I want my captain back!" Silence for a moment. "All right, but I'm going to make it a challenge." The old owl straightens his shoulders. "All right" he replies cautiously. "You must come and figure out where she is, and her mate. If you can find them and save them, I'll end the program." "OK, let me leave a note first." "No, you have to do this on your own." Says the computer. "But.." No buts, take it or leave them to perish!"
More tomorow

Episode #16 On Owl Trek the Next Clutch -  Challenge. As Phasork readies himself to go in, a security owl hurries over to him. The computer pipes up. "No tricks!" "What is this??" The owl asks. "Nothing, he needs to come in here and fix something, that's all!" "Yeek, thinks the security owl, something's not right here." Phasork winks at him. "I really must, sorry but I don't think any of the engineering owls can come in." The door to the simulation suddenly opens and Phasork hurries in. The other owl decides to follow but the door closes abruptly, cracking his beak. "Oh, sorry about that,"quips the  computer. "I didn't mean to do that!" The young owl squawks and hisses, pulling back with eyes watering. Another owl, who has been playing hoop hork comes over at the commotion. "Ensign? What's going on?" The young owl turns and tries to say something, but his beak is broken and nothing comes out right. He points with his wingtip and shakes his head.

Episode # 17 On Owl Trek the next Clutch - "Just what do you think you're doing, Phasork?" Phasork scuttles into the simulation and takes stock of his surroundings. He pulls out an owlcorder and scans around. The computer takes exeption at this, claiming that it's cheating. Phasork replies " You never mentioned whether or not I could use what I had on me, I'm simply using what little I have to solve your puzzle." A grumbling sound is heard, then - "OK, smarty feathers, you win the first round." Meanwhile outside the simulation room, the injured owl is being taken to horkbay, emitting small peeps of discomfort. "Don't worry, says the hoop owl, they'll glue it and it will be as good as new!" The orderly taking the young owl rolls his eyes  and shakes his head. "Don't spoil it for the kid, you old pellet!" The hoop owl sticks his tongue out of is beak sideways and  bugs his eyes out. "Oh stop that!" Snorts the orderly. "I'll see you tonight later for poker, no cheating this time either." "Who, moi?"
More later

# 18 On Owl Trek the next Clutch - Fox Trot. Phasork scans the area and finds some recent tracks nearby, along with a scuffle in the grass. He looks more closely and finds other, sobering evidence of a fight - blood drops and feathers, and he shudders, hoping desperately that his captain and first officer are alive. Then other prints, his owlcorder and senses telling him it's fox. He squares his wings and follows the awful trail. There is evidence that at least one flattened trail is an owl being dragged. 45 minutes later, he catches the scent of a fox den. The yips and calls confirm it. He sits down and tries to formulate a plan. He puts the owlcorder carefully in the high grass, ignoring the simulated mice and voles trying to catch his attention. He knows he can't wait long as it might be too late to rescue the owl or owls. He goes into a trance, calling up all his defensive learning and transforming himself into something he hasn't shown in years, iron hard and lightning fast. Standing up, he shrieks a challenge towards the den.

Episode #20 Tonight on Owl Trek the next Clutch - Owl Fu. In the fox's den, the female grabs onto Clyde's already sore wing, trying to prevent his escape. Phasork, still in fight mode, launches himself to get between her and Clyde. He chomps down on her nose and she yelps and lets go, unable to bear the pain. "Clyde, come!" The wounded owl wastes no time in complying and lurches toward the exit. The kit's whimpers and the mother's growls accompany them. Clyde sees the male fox motionless on the ground nearby. He struggles to keep up, and Phasork notices he is hurt. "Hork - you can't fly like that, can you?" He stops and looks Clyde over. "So the safety was left off..." He pulls out his owlcorder, looking for a nearby exit. "Sit down and rest, commander, it looks like you need it." Clyde sags down onto the grass. "Have you seen Bonnie? He asks. "She got into a fight with the hawk that attacked me." "No, I have seen no sign of her." Clyde lets out a sad, worried chirp. "Oh, my mate, where are you?"

March 28th Dee Clark and Ellie 2012

12 barn owl fascinating facts

Discover 12 fascinating facts about the beautiful barn owl.
1 The barn owl was voted Britain’s favourite farmland bird by the public in an RSPB poll in July 2007.
2 Historically, the barn owl was Britain’s most common owl species, but today only one farm in about 75 can boast a barn owl nest.
3 Barn owls screech, not hoot (that’s tawny owls).
4 The barn owl can fly almost silently. This enables it to hear the slightest sounds made by its rodent prey hidden in deep vegetation while it’s flying up to three metres overhead.
5 The barn owl’s heart-shaped face collects sound in the same way as human ears. Its hearing is the most sensitive of any creature tested.
6 Barn owls are non-territorial. Adults live in overlapping home ranges, each one covering approximately 5,000 hectares. That’s a staggering 12,500 acres or 7,100 football pitches!
7 It’s not uncommon for barn owl chicks in the nest to feed each other. This behaviour is incredibly rare in birds.
8 In order to live and breed, a pair of barn owls needs to eat around 5,000 prey items a year. These are mainly field voles, wood mice, and common shrews.
9 Though barn owls are capable of producing three broods of five to seven young each year, most breed only once and produce, on average, only two and a half young. 29 per cent of nests produce no young at all.
10 91 per cent of barn owls post-mortemed were found to contain rat poison. Some owls die as a direct result of consuming rodenticides, but most contain sub-lethal doses. The effects of this remain unknown.
11 In a typical year, around 3,000 juvenile barn owls are killed on Britain’s motorways, dual carriageways and other trunk roads. That’s about a third of all the young that fledge.
12 Everyone can help barn owls. Leave a patch of rough grassland to grow wild thus creating habitat for voles, erect a super-safe deep nest box, volunteer for your local barn owl group, switch to non-toxic rodent control

March 12th Dale and Ellie 2012

In Memory of McGee 2010.. 2012

March 5th 2012

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CouleeDam and LoneStar's Second Clutch Pics

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Feb 25th Meet Our Hero Family by Hundon

Feb 23rd 9:30 am Clark and Ellie

Feb 23rd 9:30 am Clark and Ellie
Feb 23rd 9:30 am Clark and Ellie

Wonder Woman Dee Hatches

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The Hideout Team: OCG and Angowleyez, Site Owners, Lead Mod Contributing Moderators: Couleedam, LvOwls, TweetKathleen, Cowliflower, Coach30,Hundon1,LonestarStateTx, Sher67, Owlbert, KathyGoog, Whitedog01, DKowen, DizzyTs, NatOwlLover, ShortEaredOwl, Geeklady, DebbieMango, JodiMaher, MidgesMom, Lindi55: Special Guest Moderators: Snugglesdad, The OwlWatch, TurtlePie Turtlepie Special Feature Slideshow Photographers Owlfinn (Owlbert)**Litlvxn, CouleeDam, EmmieJan, VioletMoon, Coach30, Hundon1, Lonestar and Coulee, TweetKathleen Videos: Owlbert, Angowleyez, TweetKathleen, GeekLady, DebbieMango, EmmieJanJan,Lixon Classic funny contributors special kudos to FloridaSkye, Indoorable, LitlVxn

GeekLady's Photos

Roy and Dales Eggs Clutch 2

Egg #1 1/19 7:15 am
Egg #2 1/21 8:13 am
Egg #3 1/23 9:33 am
Egg #4 1/25 1:22 pm

Pearl, Belle and Boone

Pearl, Belle and Boone
Pearl, Belle and Boone, Photo by OwlCamGuy August 28th

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I'm a Daddy.. again?! Click on pic for video
I'm a Daddy.. again?! Click on pic for video

VioletMoon's Artistic Renderings

Banner Info 2012 Calendar Belle Starr 7/15, 10:23 am. Pearl 7/20, 3:53 am. Boone 7/24, 10:11am Wyatt 7/25 6:35 pm, Zee 7/28 1:10 pm (eggs 2 & 4 non viable) Wyatt passed 8/3, 11:15 pm. Zee 8/4, Boone 9/2